Advice that Buddhist masters offer their disciples, to be directly applied in daily life. These teachings offer us the opportunity to delve into Buddhist practice, refresh our current understanding, and deepen our experience.
January 3, 2025
Taking the Four Seals to Heart - simultaneous English
This teaching was given on the first day of Rinpoche's winter seminar at Gomde Germany-Austria's in January, 2025. Many of the participants will stay for an intensive one-month ngondro retreat. Rinpoche focused on the four dharma seals, the necessity of contemplating impermanence, and the crucial importance of the outer and inner preliminaries for gathering the accumulations and purifying the obscurations.
These teachings were given during an Amitabha empowerment at Gomde Mexico in 2024 and include an explanation of the four causes for rebirth in Sukhavati, along with a brief presentation of the stages of training on the path, from the very first steps of practice, up to the final attainment of awakening.
These teachings were given during an Amitabha empowerment at Gomde Mexico in 2024 and include an explanation of the four causes for rebirth in Sukhavati, along with a brief presentation of the stages of training on the path, from the very first steps of practice, up to the final attainment of awakening.
An Interview with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
In this delightful conversation between Khenpo Tsering Tashi from the Rongsom Buddhist Channel and Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Rinpoche answers questions about a wide variety of topics, including his own life story, his relationship with his teachers, and his worldwide dharma activities. The interview contains many precious gems of dharma teaching and advice.
On the first day of 2024 Rinpoche offered reading transmissions to a group of retreatants at Gomde Germany - Austria. At the start and during breaks, Rinpoche offered advise for the upcoming year and shared some truly touching stories with the audience.
Monastic & Lay Sangha are both important
Committing to the Dharma on a Daily Basis pt1
Committing to the Dharma on a Daily Basis pt2
Heart to heart advice – Saturday talks
Here you can find a series of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche's famous 'Saturday Talks', which he has delivered for over 25 years.
October 12, 2019
Key Points for Being a Genuine Practitioner
October 5, 2019
Enemy - Protector - Witness pt1
October 5, 2019
Enemy - Protector - Witness pt2
September 7, 2019
Sadness Love Emptiness pt1
September 7, 2019
Sadness Love Emptiness pt2
October 25, 2014
Ultimate refuge - The Nature of Mind
July 19, 2014
Be Calm & Aware, Kind & Helpful, Clear w/o Clinging
May 24, 2014
The Precious Sangha Is Among Us
February 22, 2014
A Magical Display of Mind
February 1, 2014
Buddhism - just another religion?
December 14, 2013
Meditation happens in the Mind
November 2, 2013
Dumb Renunciation is Self Torture
October 5, 2013
Different ways to approach the Dharma
November 3, 2012
The Buddha must be confused
October 6, 2012
Funny - Logical - Intelligent
September 29, 2012
Be compassionate to your ego clinging!
March 24, 2012
All of us need to protect the Dharma
September 15, 2012
Time is money? Time is Enlightenment!
March 17, 2012
Deeper than what seems to be
October 15, 2011
The entire Path is Method
March 12, 2011
Become Learned-Vienna Univ Agreement
December 18, 2010
Happiness without Religion