A collection of excerpts from teachings by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche on fundamental Buddhist ideas. These pithy talks are presented in English, and are short and digestible. This is a new section on DharmaSun and we are committed to steadily expanding the content offered here.
Tara’s Triple Excellence is the entire Buddhist Path in an easily accessible format. Structured as a step-by-step online program, it guides us through the three vehicles of Buddhism with daily fresh teachings and contemplations. It is accessible for both beginners and seasoned practitioners.
Vajrayana practices can be complex and hard to follow. This is a collection of explanations and instructions on various Sadhanas & Rituals. The liturgy of Shakyamuni – The Treasury of Blessings – is the first release in this new section on DharmaSun. We are committed to making more teachings available soon.