Outer Tara Sadhana Retreat at Gomde Scotland

Outer Tara Sadhana Retreat at Gomde Scotland with Lama Tenzin

Gomde Scotland is delighted to offer a twenty-one day intensive outer Tara sadhana retreat. The Tara sadhana of the Four Mandalas is an extraordinary terma hidden by Guru Rinpoche and revealed by the great terton, Chogyur Lingpa. Anyone interested in this practice is welcome to join. This retreat is a great opportunity for Tara’s Triple Excellence practitioners to deepen their experience with the practices of the Third Excellence part 1 and to accumulate the required number of sadhana recitations under the guidance of Lama Tenzin, a great meditation teacher and expert in this sadhana. For more information and to register, please go to gomdescotland.org.

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