Tara’s Triple Excellence Retreat in Lumbini (Nepal)

Join us for our next Tara’s Triple Excellence Annual Retreat! This year’s retreat is donation-based and is in conjunction with the inauguration of Pal Thubten Shedrub Ling (“Thousand Buddha Temple”) in Lumbini and the Annual Fall Seminar.

• November 22, 2024 (Lhabab Düchen) – Inauguration of Pal Thubten Shedrub Ling
• November 23-27 – Annual Fall Seminar
• November 28-30 – Tara’s Triple Excellence Annual Retreat

As a reminder, because of the nature of the event, we will not be coordinating transportation nor accommodation this year. For those joining us in Lumbini in November, we strongly encourage making transportation and hotel reservations soon.

Lumbini is a 30-minute taxi ride from the Bhairawaha Airport BWA (newly renamed the Gautam Buddha International Airport). The events will be held at the Pal Thubten Shedrub Ling monastery, located HERE.

If you have any questions, please write them to retreat2024@tarastripleexcellence.org.

We look forward to seeing you in Lumbini!

With heartfelt wishes,
Your Tara’s Triple Excellence Team.


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